Friday, June 21, 2013

Large Family Homeschool Lesson Planning

Lesson planning for a larger than average size family can be a bit tricky.  I mean, I could make up a separate planning page for each child, but that is a bit much for me.  I like to be able to at one glance see what will need done for the week.  I have found a serious lacking of planners for 3+ students (free and fee).  So, today I learned how to insert a table on a word doc. and made my own.  We do some subjects together and some not.  I even have a place to jot down ideas to keep the little ones busy.  Hopefully come August this will do the trick for us.  I only plan out a week or 2 at a time because I have learned that is I plan more than that ahead, when life happens (and it will), the whole thing needs reworked.  


  1. It is nearly impossible to find the RIGHT planner. I did have luck last year with a DayTimer Family planner, but this years version is TOO SMALL!
    Maybe i'll sit down with my computer and try to make a version of this. For now I'll pin it!

  2. Thanks for commenting. Sometimes the only way to get a planner that fits your life, schooling style, AND family size is to DIY. I used Microsoft Word and inserted tables into the document. Good luck!

  3. So, I know this is an older post - but I LOVE this idea! SOO wish I could print this!! :)

  4. Thanks for this. I've been looking for something to plan all three kids. Why isn't more out there for homeschoolers that do this?!
